The Wave of Home-Use Beauty Devices

The Wave of Home-Use Beauty
As beauty takes cues from science and medicine, a wave of new gadgets promise to
help you achieve more youthful facial device, radiant skin from the comfort of home. Whether you
want to get rid of fine lines, dark spots or large pores, these beauty tools claim to
offer the same results as in-office treatments, but at a fraction of the cost.

At-home beauty devices: the future or a fad? | Citizen Femme
While some of these products are just hype, others are backed by solid research and
pose little risk. But before you start snapping up every gizmo on the market, talk to
your dermatologist about how they can fit in with your skincare regimen and goals.
And remember BeautyFoo Mall, you’ll most likely see more dramatic results from a combination of
in-office treatments and at-home beauty devices than with just one.
The global home-use beauty device market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around
30% over the next few years, according to a report from P&S Intelligence. The aging
population is the driving force behind this growth, as well as an increasing number of
people concerned about their appearance. The market is also driven by rising
disposable incomes and increasing focus on appearance-enhancing treatments.
Some of the most popular devices include light-emitting diode (LED) systems, which
use various wavelengths to target specific skin conditions. This includes redness,
pore shrinkage and acne treatment, among other things.
In addition, the market has a number of other devices that use different
technologies to treat skin issues such as hair removal, microneedling and more. For
example, this wand from Stacked Skincare uses argon gas to send oxygen into the
skin, which kills acne-causing bacteria and improves skin texture, firmness and
tautness, while also reducing the appearance of scars and pores.
This dermaplaning tool from PMD Beauty uses rotating discs to suck away dead skin
cells, leaving your complexion smoother and brighter. It’s similar to the exfoliating
technique your dermatologist might perform in-office, but at a fraction of the price
and with no downtime.

8 High-Tech Beauty Devices To Level Up Your Skincare Game
Another popular technology in the home-use beauty device market is microcurrent,
which was originally developed as a medical-grade treatment for Bell’s Palsy. This
type of facial exercise strengthens muscles and can help minimize the look of jowls,
wrinkles and a double chin. It can also help with circulation, boosting the absorption
of your favorite skin-care products.
Finally, the pore vacuum is one of the most recent trends in the beauty devices
industry. This gadget works much like a regular vacuum cleaner and is designed to
suck out excess oil, dirt, makeup residue and other debris from your pores. It’s a
great way to keep your complexion clear and clean, but it should be used sparingly
since it can lead to over-exfoliation and dryness. For best results, this device should
be used two to three times a week and after each session, your skin will need a
moisturizer to prevent irritation.…